Chayyim Centre is a company that uses a process, through Quantum Biofeedback, to gain a greater awareness of one’s own body (the physiological changes that often occur in conjunction with changes to thoughts, emotions, and behaviour), with a goal of being able to improve health performance.
We offer sessions both face to face and remotely.
Anyone who is challenged with low energy levels and irregular sleeping patterns. It aids in reducing anger, fear and anxiety and it enhances ones focus, memory and mental clarity. It also works to dissipate emotional trauma, blood pressure and heart rhythm balancing, lymph stimulation, digestive enzyme stimulation, immune stimulation, relaxation stimulation, memory stimulation, hormone balancing, chronic fatigue therapy. It can detect viruses and aids the body with viruses, parasites, worms, bacteria, fungi and food sensitivities.It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be overtly perceptible for a while. The healing process may begin subtly on the inside, with small stimuli starting cascade reactions, which result in significant changes. While it is possible that some acute imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial.
Here at Chayyim Centre we use the SCIO which is connected to you via a headband and wrist and ankle straps. It sends electromagnetic signals to the body. The scanning and therapy process is painless and non-invasive and we scan the body’s 9000 frequencies. The revolutionary SCIO biofeedback device is the product of years of research combining holistic medicine with advanced quantum technology. Just as biofeedback devices such as MRI, ECG or blood pressure monitors give you information on a biochemical level, the SCIO gives you information about your body on an energetic level. It reveals anything that is negatively affecting health by finding energetic imbalances in the body by responding to the body’s electric reactivity patterns.
The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System (SCIO) is an automatic, computer-operated non-invasive active therapeutic device that combines bioresonance and biofeedback fields for body analysis and energy balancing. In addition the SCIO has the capability to transmit approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitising allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions and more.
Every single organ in your body resonates/vibrates its own energy?
When this energy is disturbed by toxins, parasites, etc, the organ cannot function at its fullest capacity?
The SCIO system is to be used as a Biofeedback Multimedia System. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. No claims are made of the SCIO system or its results and nothing that the SCIO Practitioner does, diagnoses or treats any illness or disease nor replaces any other treatment. Please consult your family medical doctor for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. Please also consult your family medical doctor before undertaking any health program.
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